Dice Roller

Roll history for Zybourne

Showing rolls 158 to 177 of 237 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2016-09-26 11:07:44Louis FrengleIdiot with a cameraObscure Dingles fact1d20+1 8
2016-09-22 11:12:22Mosscorpion (monster)Journey of the ApostlesAttack Daniel1d20 11
2016-09-12 22:34:00wispThe Fragile Gods of SomewhereUp Down In Out4#1d100 54 92 43 26
2016-07-03 05:10:43Animus, Guardian of the Essences, Lady of ScienceThe Fragile Gods of SomewhereMagically duplicate planes and liberate the Mageec Scuul1d20+1 21
2016-06-27 13:45:53Animus, Guardian of the Essences, Lady of ScienceThe Fragile Gods of SomewhereEmbed the power of magical levitation in the essence of the Fortugnat1d20+1 15
2016-06-24 13:21:47Animus, Guardian of the EssencesThe Fragile Gods of SomewhereTeaching the Fortugnats some potentially dangerous Alchemessence1d20 20
2016-06-21 10:39:59Animus, Guardian of the EssencesThe Fragile Gods of SomewhereConvince the Fortugnats to build a Soul Spire1d20 16
2016-06-17 04:47:36Omnissiah, the Machine GodThe Fragile Gods of SomewhereApotheosis1d100+8 94
2016-06-11 15:06:51Intervivum gaster vampirisEvo WorldSuck vital fluids through arms1d10 8
2016-06-11 07:42:12Intervivum gaster spatiorEvo WorldWalk on land1d10 8
2016-06-10 15:14:35Intervivum gaster aculeusEvo WorldBarbed flagellum hooks1d10 6
2016-06-10 06:04:43Bariatur vulcanis resonantumEvo WorldLow-frequency communication1d10 8
2016-06-10 02:49:46Bariatur vulcanis segmentumEvo WorldSegmented armor1d10 3
2016-06-09 13:20:08Cilian Dolum Gaster pseudocommunisEvo WorldVesicles1d10 10
2016-06-09 12:46:55Bariatur Vulcanis Communis NoxaEvol WorldEvolve acidic vesicles1d10 10
2016-06-09 12:00:02Briantur vulcanis gigantorEvo WorldInduce gigantism1d10 2
2016-06-09 06:04:17Intervium gaster cranialisEvo WorldChange appetite1d10 7
2016-05-16 14:40:31Sol, Lord of MagicFragile GodsApotheosis1d100-10+4 52
2016-04-09 04:08:13Amyhdahl, God of Broken PromisesFragile GodsAssist Fortugnats in the construction of a fortess1d20 1
2016-04-07 13:43:09AmyhdahlFragile GodsCreate glass things of great beauty1d20 17

Showing rolls 158 to 177 of 237 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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